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1) How to Add/Remove service

Step 1: Login owner.

Step 2: At bottom, click "Services"

Step 3: To add service, click "Add Service"  on top left.

Step 4: Type in service name, price, supply fee etc....

Note: Sort order = display order on left = display on check in system.

* Blue check mark on left = service will show on check in system.

* Click on Blue mark = Red mark = service will NOT show on check in system.

* Turn count = 0.5 turn or 1 turn set by owner.

* Bonus Count: If enable, service will count as bonus turn, NOT a real turn. Example wax, polish change, manicure etc...

* Request/Appointment Bonus = Set by owner, if customers request or have appointment with technician, 1 turn will count as 0.5 turn.

*  Parent Service = Group similar service into one

Example PEDICURE is main service with "Sort order = 10"

You can add Deluxe Pedicure set "Parent Service = 10"

You can add Volcano Pedicure set "Parent Service = 10"

Both Deluxe Pedicure & Volcano Pedicure will display under PEDICURE at ADD Tech/Service page


Step 1: Select service

Step 2: Delete service name (Name box)

Step 3: Click Save and DONE!

2) How to Add/Remove technician

Step 1: Login owner.

Step 2: At bottom, click "Technicians"

Step 3: To add technicians, click "Add Tech"  on top left.

Step 4: Type in tech name,  phone number.

Step 5:  Set their commission & payroll.

Note: If technicians like to have their tips pay in cash daily, turn on "tips pay daily in cash."


Step 1: Select tech name

Step 2: Delete tech name (Name box)

Step 3: Click Save and DONE!

3) SIMPLE & EASY checkout mode
(Fast checkout, NO customer history)

Step 1: Select tech

Step 2: Select services

Step 3: Check out


4) ADVANCE checkout mode
A) Best customer care
B) S
hop with 15+ techs
C) Easier to assign turn

D) Tracks customer & tech history

Chia turn: click on "Add Tech/Service" green button.

Check out: click "Check out" blue button.

Group checkout

Scenario 1 pay for all service (Example, mom wants to pay for all daughter services)

Step 1: Click "Group Checkout' button (Top left button, under shop name & date)

Step 2: Click mom's name who pays for service.

Step 3: Click daughter's name who NOT paying for service.

Step 4: Click "Merge", all service will merge to customer paying.

Step 5: Click check out & DONE!

Scenario 2 pay for only 1 service (Example, daughter gets pedicure + full set, mom only wants to pay pedicure, NOT fullset.)

Step 1: Column 4, click on technician's name working on daughter to open Add Tech/Service Page. On Add Tech/Service Page, on right, click "RED" icon to Remove technician's name work on on pedicure, click OK.

Step 2: Column 4, click on technician's name working on mom. Add technician name work on daughter pedicure, click OK. That means we removed the daughter pedicure service  and move it to mom services, so mom only pays for daughter pedicure + mom services.

Click 3: Click check out, DONE!

5) How to book appointment

Step 1: At top right, click Appointments.

Step 2: Enter customer phone #.

Step 3: Fill out customers info and booking request.

NOTE: System will block out unavailable times to prevent double booking.

__System will also confirm and remind customer 24 hours before their appointment time.

__Each tech will have an App on their phone to track daily total, tips & appointment. NO need to write down anything!


6) How to do payroll

Step 1: Login owner.

Step 2: At bottom, click payroll.

Step 3: Select dates to do payroll.

Step 4: Click Print ALL or Print 1

7) How to fix ticket

Fix check out wrong tech name

Step 1: Login manager (TOP LEFT)

Step 2: Select wrong tech name.

Step 3: Select correct tech name.


8) How to handle dispute/chargeback

Step 1: Login owner.

Step 2: At bottom, click "Checkouts."

Step 3: Search last 4 credit card # or select transaction.

Step 4: Click that transaction.

Step 5: Click print receipt, and text receipt + letter from bank to 678 889 9550. We will handle dispute for you.


9) How to Refund/Void transaction

How to do FULL refund

NOTE: Owner can do full refund from POS System.

Step 1: Login owner.

Step 2: At bottom, click "Checkouts."

Step 3: Search last 4 credit card # or select transaction.

Step 4: Click that transaction.

Step 5: On right side, input owner password then click' REFUND".

NOTE: System will refund full amount and auto subtract technicians money.


How to do Partial refund

NOTE: Owner must do "Partial Refund" to customers card from CLOVER first, then subtract technician money from POS System.

Step 1: Place 4 fingers on 4 corners of Mini Clover.

Step 2: Key in Clover password.

Step 3: Click Refund, type in amount and insert customer's card to refund.

Step 4: Click done and open 'Network Pay Display" to connect POS system.

Step 5: On iPad POS System login owner.

Step 6: At bottom left, click Dashboard.

Step 7: Select transaction to subtract technician money.

Step 8: Column 4, click worker name to open Add Tech/Service page.

Step 9: On Add Tech/Service, add owners name, click OK to exit page.

Step 10: On same transaction, column 5, click "Paying" or "Checkout".

Step 11: Subtract workers partial amount to owners name, make sure transaction shows "COMPLETE" then click OK.


10) How to connect Clover with "Pairing Code"

Step 1: From iPad, click & hold "Refresh" button for 5 seconds.

Step 2: From Clover Exit screen, place 4 fingers in 4 corners & input password.

Step 3: Open "Network Pay Display" app, click Start.

Step 4: Enter "Manager Password' on Clover.

Step 5: Enter "Pairing Code", the code is from iPad (Located middle screen, where it display "Clover Connected")


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